Jeff Ifrah Confirmed as Speaker for Webinar on Achieving Policy Goals in Online Gaming Regulation
Speaking Engagement
Jul 18, 2017
Jeff Ifrah Confirmed as Speaker for Webinar on Achieving Policy Goals in Online Gaming Regulation
Clarion Gaming and Spectrum Gaming Group jointly present a webinar dedicated to lawmakers, regulators and the gaming industry.
Thu, Jul 27, 2017 4:00 PM – 5:00 PM BST
15 years of SIGHT: Achieving policy goals in regulating online gambling
How experiences in regulation and operation of online gambling in the USA can help state governments ensure advancement of public policy goals.
Fifteen years ago, Spectrum Gaming Group developed the Spectrum Internet Gaming Heuristic Theorem (SIGHT) to chart the development on online gaming in the United States.
This webinar will focus on the experience to date of online gaming in the United States – as well as its coordination with a US$70 billion land-based industry –  and will discuss ideas, policies and prescriptions for ensuring that the expansion of online gaming advances public policy.
Presentations followed by a Q&A with the audience will cover:
- Examination of revenue generated to the state, not just by online gambling, but in consideration with the growth contributed to the overall gaming operation
- How US has become a world leader in a fully convergent gambling
- Implications for taxation levels of this integrated approach
- Job and wealth creation
- Consumer protections and responsible gambling
NCLGS introduction and moderation: Â State Senator Helene Keeley, Delaware, Past President of National Council of Legislators from Gaming States (NCLGS)
Michael Pollock, Managing Director of Spectrum Gaming Group, Executive Director of NCLGS
Adam Steinberg, Senior Vice President, Spectrum Gaming Capital
Jeff Ifrah, Founding Member of Ifrah Law and I-Development and Economic Association (iDEA)
Gideon Bierer, Co-founder and Managing Partner of Partis Solutions
Richard Schwartz, President of Rush Street Interactive