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Maryland Moving at a Misguided PACE

Maryland Moving at a Misguided PACE

March 14, 2025

Maryland Moving at a Misguided PACE

By: James Trusty

Maryland legislature is considering passing a law ineptly called the Protecting the Admissibility of Creative Expression (“PACE Act”) which would limit the use of rap lyrics, among other forms of expression, in criminal and juvenile proceedings. While prosecution use of rap lyrics in criminal trials is a bit uncommon, the state house move here is in reaction to a 2020 murder case in which a defendant’s post-arrest rap about killing “snitches” with a “.40” may have weighed heavily in the jury’s conviction. In Montague v. State, 471 Md. 657 Md. 2020) the Maryland Supreme Court affirmed the trial court’s ruling that Montague’s ruminations about murder and using a .40 caliber weapon—made from a jail phone after his arrest—was not an…

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My Brother’s Keeper

February 20, 2025

My Brother’s Keeper

By: Abbey Block

Am I my brother’s keeper? Or more specifically, can lawyers be sued for their clients’ bad behavior? A newly proposed bill out of Washington state says yes. The bill, HB 1891, provides the following legal framework, under which an attorney can be sued for injuries caused by his or her client who is released from detention pending trial: Any person injured by an individual who…

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DOJ Memo Sneaks In Seismic Changes

January 31, 2025

DOJ Memo Sneaks In Seismic Changes

By: James Trusty

Amidst the tidal wave of Executive Orders, presidential appointments, and policy announcements, it is easy to treat last week’s Interim Policy Memo from the Acting Deputy Attorney General[1] as just another ripple of nominal change that occurs when democrats replace republicans or republicans replace democrats. And, indeed, although there are portions of it that reflect the recurring philosophical tug-of-war over the tough on crime approach…

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Brady Violation Leads to Reversal of Conviction in D.C.

March 14, 2011

Brady Violation Leads to Reversal of Conviction in D.C.

By: Ifrah Law

Editor’s note: This is a guest blog post by David Deitch, a Washington, D.C.-based litigator and the author of the White Collar Criminal Defense Blog. He can be reached at According to the D.C. Court of Appeals, when it comes to Brady disclosures, late is not necessarily better than never. In Miller v. United States, decided on March 3, 2011, the court overturned a conviction…

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The Recession’s Effect on Federal Prison Sentences

March 7, 2011

The Recession’s Effect on Federal Prison Sentences

By: Ifrah Law

On March 2, 2011, Jeff Ifrah, founder of Ifrah Law, and Jeffrey Hamlin, an associate in the firm, published the following article in the Los Angeles Daily Journal. Prison inmates in the United States may have reason to thank Wall Street for the 2008 recession. The bloated federal deficit is forcing agencies to tighten their budgets, including the U.S. Department of Justice. According to its budget for…

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Big Boeing Award, New Rules Won’t End DOD Conflicts of Interest

February 25, 2011

Big Boeing Award, New Rules Won’t End DOD Conflicts of Interest

By: Ifrah Law

After a decade of delays and embarrassing missteps, on February 24 the Air Force awarded one of the largest contracts in military history, a $35 billion deal to build nearly 200 giant airborne refueling tankers, to the Chicago-based Boeing Company. At one point, the Air Force had awarded the contract to a team composed of Northrop Grumman and EADS North America, a unit of European…

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Will the Internet Taint a Loughner Verdict?

February 22, 2011

Will the Internet Taint a Loughner Verdict?

By: Ifrah Law

As Arizona plans a trial for accused Tucson shooter Jared Lee Loughner, a new set of questions has arisen: How will a jury be able to sit in impartial judgment, untainted by nonstop online coverage of the crime and its aftermath? What safeguards should a judge impose to keep the jury from following the case on the Internet and reaching a verdict based on facts…

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Facebook Friends and Judicial Ethics

February 15, 2011

Facebook Friends and Judicial Ethics

By: Ifrah Law

Last December, another legal ethics commission addressed the question of whether a judge may become a “friend” on a social networking site with attorneys who appear as counsel in the judge’s courtroom. The Ohio Supreme Court Board of Commissioners on Grievances and Discipline opined that a judge may “friend” attorneys as long as the judge takes care to protect the integrity and impartiality of the…

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Articles and Presentations by Our Firm Attorneys

Maryland Moving at a Misguided PACE

Maryland Moving at a Misguided PACE
By: James Trusty

My Brother’s Keeper

My Brother’s Keeper
By: Abbey Block

DOJ Memo Sneaks In Seismic Changes

DOJ Memo Sneaks In Seismic Changes
By: James Trusty

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