Investigations Posts
Judge Weighs In on DOJ ‘Side Agreement’ With Bank
Jun 8, 2010
Judge Weighs In on DOJ ‘Side Agreement’ With Bank
In a rare occurrence, a so-called deferred prosecution agreement entered into by the U.S. Department of Justice with a target of a criminal investigation has been subject to scrutiny by a federal judge, and the result wasn’t favorable to the government. In fact, a judicial ruling in the case of a fired Miami bank executive…
Heritage, NACDL Session Weighs In on Criminal Intent
Jun 3, 2010
Heritage, NACDL Session Weighs In on Criminal Intent
An unusual coalition of the conservative Heritage Foundation and the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers (NACDL) recently issued a study entitled “Without Intent: How Congress Is Eroding the Criminal Intent Requirement in Federal Law.” See this blog’s discussion at Crime in the Suites: Has Congress Eroded the Intent Requirement in Criminal Law? and the discussions…
Is Virginia Real?
May 26, 2010
Is Virginia Real?
U.S. Attorney Neil MacBride of the Eastern District of Virginia has been in the news of late. Last week, he announced plans to pursue prosecutions of high-profile securities-fraud cases in his district. For years, securities-fraud cases have been, with rare exception, primarily handled by the Southern District of New York. MacBride takes comfort in a…